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Professional Individual Mosaic Course in Italy (Umbria)

Regular price €3.570,00 EUR
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Professional Individual Mosaic Course in Italy (Umbria)

A comprehensive professional individual mosaic course (2 months), with the option to choose the start date and a customization schedule. The advanced and professional course is designed to delve into all the main mosaic construction techniques and explore the various iconography styles inherent to mosaic art.

Features of the on-site professional course:
  • Individual, not group-based.
  • Duration: 2 months.
  • Each student can customize the course schedule by choosing both the start date and the division of hours according to their availability. The school offers tailored training paths for students.
  • Classes are divided with 80% practical lessons and 20% theoretical lessons.
  • The instructor is the art master and mosaicist Tiziana Mondini.
  • A personalized participation certificate will be issued at the end of the course.
  • Students will acquire all the necessary skills to practice mosaic as a profession, including theoretical and practical knowledge of laying methodology, which will be applied through workshops and commissions at the In tessere art laboratory.
Course enrollment includes:
  • Participation in the course according to the student's chosen schedule.
  • 1 complete toolkit of all professional mosaicist tools.
  • 3 video tutorials explaining various mosaic techniques step by step.
  • Various printed handouts for theoretical study of mosaic and its history.
Topics covered during the professional mosaic course:
  • Art history.
  • Drawing and design.
  • Workshop: Technique and methodology of mosaic work.
  • Workshop: Technique and methodology of supports and adhesives.
  • Workshop: Study and design of installation.
  • Materials technology and equipment.
  • Marketing basics.
  • Direct technique.
  • Indirect technique.
  • Pebble mosaic technique.
  • Direct technique with ancient mortar.
  • Direct technique on temporary support.
  • Trencadis technique.
Themes and Styles:
  • Greek and Roman Mosaic.
  • Byzantine Mosaic.
  • Modern Mosaic.
  • Contemporary Mosaic and Sculpture.
  • Industrial Mosaic.
School equipment and materials included in the cost of the professional course and provided to participants:
nippers, tweezers, spatula, wheeled cutter, hammer, and all necessary tools for learning and practicing mosaic, as well as handouts for theoretical study, marble, enamel, glass, terracotta.
The works and mosaics will be the property of the student. Shipping to your destination will incur a cost based on the weight of the artworks and the destination.

Cost of the professional individual course in Italy at In Tessere School (Narni Scalo Umbria)

  • The registration fee is non-refundable and must be paid by bank transfer (we will send the bank details via email).
  • The registration fee is €550.
  • The amount paid for the registration fee will be deducted from the total course cost.
  • The remaining balance must be paid at the beginning of the course.



  • hardie,
  • hammer,
  • nipper,
  • tweezers,
  • all the tools needed to learn and practice the art of mosaic-making.



  • marble,
  • glass,
  • ceramic,
  • terracotta.


The course is taught in Italian by the master of mosaics Tiziana Mondini.

The English translation of the more theoretical part is included in the price.


The mosaic school in Tessere is open all year round and follows national holidays.

Opening time:

From Monday to Friday: 8:30-13: 00 // 14: 30-17:00

Saturday and Sunday: closed

Closure on national holidays.

Summer closure: 14/7/2025-31/08/2025


The In Tessere mosaic school offers email support included in the price during the duration of course and the creation of the mosaic.

Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews
Vincent Wong
One of the best periods of time in my life

I was looking for a professional course to try to become a professional in mosaic art and this is exactly what I was after for.

My time at Intessere is truly one of the best period of time I had. I lived in the picturesque medieval town of Narni which is not far away form the school, and spent every day making mosaic and learning different techniques. Tiziana is very kind and welcoming and very sincere. On the first day she made it very clear that it is a professional course and I was held to the very same high standard. She shared all the inside knowledge and tricks for the trade and did not hold me as merely a hobbyist / tourist. I only wish I could spend more time here.

Amalia Pittman
Paradise on Earth

I have been in quiet few mosaic courses in different countries and the course on offer at Intessere has no comparison to any other by its quality, structure and teaching methods.
Tiziana is a real MAESTRO in mosaics with the knowledge and willingness to instruct you to a very high standard.
This is a real value for money course.


Sono felicissima di aver partecipato a questo corso. Da tempo ero alla ricerca di una esperienza formativa in questo settore, e devo dire che le ore qui trascorse sono state utilissime e veramente stimolanti! Si comincia con le indispensabili basi teoriche e pratiche e poi ben presto il corso diventa "su misura"! Infatti è molto completo, ma allo stesso tempo offre ad ogni allievo la possibilità di sperimentare in modo personalizzato con forme, colori, stili, soggetti, materiali. Anche l'incontro con altri studenti, italiani e non, è una esperienza che apre alla conoscenza e allo stimolo reciproco. Tiziana sa come trasmettere la propria passione per il mosaico e per l'arte in generale, spronandoci verso...nuove avventure creative. Ho apprezzato moltissimo anche i giorni trascorsi in cantiere, dove si affrontano ogni volta temi e sfide nuove e si impara ad utilizzare al meglio il tempo è le risorse disponibili. Non mancano suggerimenti per visitare i siti del mosaico, soprattutto nella vicina Roma. Insomma, un percorso stimolante e bello, che fa venire voglia di continuare!

Une expérience unique

Tiziana accueille dans son atelier des passionnés de mosaïque du monde entier et propose une formation sur-mesure. Elle est exceptionnellement flexible en termes de contenu et de planning. Elle partage son expertise de mosaïste professionnelle avec générosité, propose de découvrir toutes les techniques de mosaïque (anciennes et modernes). Chacun peut fixer ses propres objectifs et elle élabore un programme personnalisé, alliant théorie et pratique (nombreux projets et même travail sur chantier). Son atelier est un lieu de rencontre d’étudiants de tous les horizons et, par contraste, la petite ville de Narni permet une immersion dans la vie italienne, dans cette belle région d’Ombrie. Après 2 mois à Narni, je peux confirmer que cette formation professionnelle est une expérience unique, bien au-delà de mes attentes, que je recommande vivement !

È stata un esperienza davvero inaspettata

Sono davvero entusiasta dal corso professionale, ha superato tutte le mie aspettative. È un corso ben strutturato, sia dal punto teorico, con lezioni di storia dell’arte musiva, sia dal punto pratico , nell’inseguimento delle varie tecniche- dal utilizzo della Malta antica al mosaico moderno e il mosaico tridimensionale. È anche un corso molto completo che offre la possibilità di fare esperienza di cantiere e quindi di avere anche una visione completa del fare mosaico La docente è molto competente, sempre disponibile e devo dire che sono stata seguita con molta attenzione in ogni fase del mio apprendimento. Tiziana, la nostra insegnante, è riuscita a creare un ambiente davvero stimolante , trovando per ogni uno di noi il giusto modo di guidarci in quel percorso per creare non solo dei professionisti, ma dei mosaicisti con un proprio stile e carattere , ci ha aiutati a trovare ogni uno per conto suo la strada da perseguire. Consiglio a tutti quel corso. Non pensavo che in così poco tempo si può imparare così tanto

studentessa spagnola durante il corso di mosaico bizantino nella Scuola di mosaico In Tessere

Date of course at the student's discretion

Each of our courses is an individual course where the student choose the starting date of the course.

If needed the student can arrange the daily schedule according to their needs.

Kits for studying and practicing mosaic

Practical mosaic kits made by our school as tools for studying and practicing the mosaic art. All kits are equipped with materials, professional tools, manual and video-tutorial.

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