• In Tessere Mosaic School by Tiziana Mondini
    Via della Stazione, 32
    05035 Narni Scalo (TR)

    VAT NUM: 01579950559

    Our school is located opposite the square of the Narni-Amelia railway station.

  • School Hours

    Monday-Friday: 8:30am - 1pm // 2:30pm - 5pm

    Saturday and Sunday: Closed

    Closure on national holidays.

    Summer closure: 14/7/2025-31/08/2025

How can we help you?

lezioni di mosaico bizantino

School timetables

Monday-Friday : 8:30 - 13:00 // 14:30 17:00

Saturday : 8:30 - 13:00

Saturday and Sunday: closed

Closure on national holidays.

Summer closure: 14/7/2025-31/08/2025

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