School of Mosaic in Tiles

Formación de tipo individual, con calendario y fecha de comienzo a elegir
Nuestra escuela profesional de mosaico garantiza un plan de estudios personalizado e individual, un calendario flexible y la fecha de inicio del curso a elección del estudiante.
Program in summary
Detailed course sheet- Course start date chosen by the student.
- 1 complete tool kit with all the professional tools of the mosaicist.
- Access to 3 online video tutorials on the main mosaic techniques (direct, indirect and trencadis techniques).
- Various paper handouts and exercise books for the theoretical study of mosaic and its history.
Detailed course sheetHistory of art.
- Drawing and design.
- Workshop: Technique and methodology of mosaic work.
- Laboratory: Technique and methodology of supports and adhesives.
- Laboratory: Study and design of implementation.
- Materials technology and equipment.
- Marketing elements.
Detailed course sheetTechniques:
- Direct technique.
- Indirect technique.
- Cobblestone technique.
- Direct technique with ancient mortar.
- Direct technique on temporary support.
- Trencadis technique.
Themes and Styles:
- Greek and Roman Mosaic.
- Byzantine Mosaic.
- Modern Mosaic.
- Contemporary mosaic and sculpture.
- Industrial mosaic.
Escuela de mosaicos en Umbria curso profesional (en nuestra escuela en Italia)
Individual professional mosaic course in Umbria lasting 2 months with customizable start and calendar

Jobs and certificates for students
The works and mosaics created during the course are the property of the student.
If desired, all completed works and the free tool kit can be shipped to the indicated address.
The cost of shipping is not included in the price of the professional course and must be paid before shipping.
The Mosaic School
School Hours
La escuela de mosaico de Tessere está abierta todo el año y sigue los días festivos nacionales.
Horario de apertura:
- De lunes a viernes:
- 8:30-13:00 // 14:30-17:00
- Sábado: 8:30-13:00
- Domingo cerrado.
Cierre de verano: 1/2 de julio y todo agosto.:
Presentation of the school
Watch the videoFor over 25 years we have been teaching the art of mosaic to students, hobbyists and professionals from all over the world
Curso profesional de mosaico en presencia individual personalizado
Itinerario personalizado, individual, NO en grupo.

Una escuela fundada en 1999
La escuela de Mosaico In tessere, fundada en Rávena en 1999, hasta la fecha ha tenido más de 1500 estudiantes y estudiantes de todas partes del mundo.